The final live event of @MinesAndMoney's APAC Online Roadshow is an investment panel discussion featuring some of the most influentual names in the space.

The panel will be talking about the growing importance of #ESG in M&A transactions.
"Mining companies balance natural, human, social, financial and intellectual capital to produce the metals which become the manufactured capital and which are fundamental for advancement of our society," says Ani Markova, board member of @Golden_Star_Res
"For our industry, M&A is a necessity and not new. What is new and is very fast changing is assessing climate change costs and opportunities," she continues.

"It is clear that 'build back better' has set our goals of where we’re headed & the UN SDGs are the blueprint of that"
Picking up on this thread, senior VP, govt relations at @kinrossgold Mike Van Akkooi says mining has been leading #ESG for a long time.

"When I joined BHP, the firm was already developing mitigation frameworks for ESG in M&A transactions. It’s become more sophisticated in time"
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