Even taking the criticisms at face value, (that CRT is an obscure and complex legal/academic framework and is not actually being taught,) how it should be classified doesn't change the racially discriminatory content of what is currently being taught and promoted in education.
I don't care if you think we're calling it the wrong thing. Instead of opining on the virtues of the academic field we're supposedly maligning, maybe tell us what you call the real and obvious pedagogical convergence towards ideologically informed racial essentialism, if not CRT?
It doesn't matter what we call it because we're always going to call it the wrong thing. The term will immediately be utilized as a bogeyman, and then legitimate uses will be dismissed just as fast. So I'm not going to play this rhetorical game of nomenclature a la Red Queen.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and an ideological program that discourages critical thinking and actively promotes discrimination, racial essentialism, collective guilt, and paranoid social delusions... by any other name would be just as racist and wrong.
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