Established StanPat and R+E, meanwhile the Ben Bev Mike Bill are having a weird go of it. Bev dates Kay for a while as Mike and Bill eye fuck until Ben asks Mike out right when Beverly’s breaking up with Kay and Bill gets a divorce-
Ben/Mike split but Bill starts dating another man so Mike briefly joins StanPat as a welcome third until Ben asks him back because Bev doesn’t think she loves Ben back (even though she’s pining. So much.) so Ben/Mike start up again, then Bev accidentally steals Bill’s bf
Eventually Richie and Eddie snap and call a Losers Club emergency meeting. Eddie just points at each of them like, “You! Fuck them! And You! Fuck this one!!!”
But then Bev storms off and Ben thinks it’s because of forcing Benverly again so Richie physically blocks the doorways at the risk of his only kidney after he gave one to his husband. He then yells the “Why are you running” vine at her threateningly until she finally spills
StanPat: Damn. I was really hoping we’d still pull out a third from this debacle.
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