Ever wondered which Kamen Rider characters have had the most appearances over the years? No? Then you're more sensible than me, I couldn't do anything else until I'd figured it out, so now I'm inflicting this pointless trivia on you. Nobody tell riderwiki
Not counting:
-Movies and specials
-Suit-only appearances
-Played by different actor

Yes counting:
-Voice-only appearances
-AR versions if the actor showed up
-Those '71 episodes where Fujioka is totally here you guys
-ZX is a show with one episode I am committed to this bit
10. Tie between Soma Haruto (Wizard) and Tsukuba Hiroshi (Skyrider), founding members of the "I don't need return appearances because my show is 54 slutty slutty episodes long" club
8. Tie between Momotaros (Den-O), who would be way higher if I counted movies but if I did that we'd be here all day, and Ichimonji Hayato (Rider #2), both with a big old cluster of cameos. Rude boys rude boys
(Clocking in at 59 episodes each, I forgot to add)
7. Kazami Shiro, of whom I tragically could not find a picture speedboating with reckless abandon, so here he is watching his boyfriend tear his own arm off. Anyway Miyauchi spent the 70s camped outside Toei's filming studio so he manages 63 episodes!
6. Hongo Takeshi with, fittingly enough, 71! As we're going to see as we continue, starring in a 98-episode show is kind of cheating, even if you are out of action for a third of it
5. Speaking of which, Yuri appears in episode 14 and stays on right through the show, with 82 episodes! Also yes this is the only picture of her on the internet. I would say it's tricky to search "kamen rider yuri" but we all know there's fuck all F/F in this fandom
(despite my best efforts)
4. Taki has basically the same tenure as Yuri but his actor (Jiro Chiba, brother of Sonny) didn't even take a couple weeks holiday like hers did so he racks up 86. And you might be thinking I'm just gonna list '71 characters from here on, but no!
3. Tani, with 88 episodes! Everyone's favourite character! Tani!

...okay, I can hear your resounding cries of "who??" They wanted Tachibana back for Skyrider but it fell through, so they just kind of made a new one, and he mentored Skyrider and Super-1 both
2. Minami Kotaro (Black/RX), with exactly 100 episodes including his Decade cameo! Gee, why does mom let you be two Kamen Riders
1. Come on. It's Tachibana Tobei. Of course it's Tachibana Tobei. How could it not be Tachibana Tobei. 240--two hundred and forty--episodes. Everyone's dad. Accept no substitutes
(If you're wondering "what about Tsukasa??", 31 Decade episodes, 2 Wizard episodes, 17 Zi-O episodes = 51, about average. He's had a full length show now at least!)
Oh yeah and I'm not even going to attempt to put the Great Leader on here because the show itself can't figure out which of these half-dozen guys are or aren't him, but if you counted every arch-villain voiced by Goro Naya he would definitely swipe the #2 spot
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