I am pissed. Like REALLY pissed. Can't tell for other devs, but I'm insecure.

I'm MORE than aware that even a single bad interaction with someone will send me in a spiralling ever deeper hole of impostor syndrome and despair.
The issue isn't in telling us we have errors in our work, but the fact that due to how the industry works (by that I mean [BRANDS]), we're NOT distanced from our work. We take inspiration, suggestions, even critique from our followers and purchasers more openly and MORE seriously
While my bio does say Commentaire/Critique ok, that does NOT mean that attacks against me are ok.

And what happened to @/pangalactic WAS an attack against them. NO the guy didn't complain about the game, he automatically attacked Chriss as a fraud and thief.
THAT is the problem. The concept that attacking others over their work is ok. And THAT shit is something I haven't seen till I was on twitter. Could be different cultures, or what, but HELL. At least in the balkans we know to complain about the company or product. NOT THE PEOPLE!
Locked this thread to only those who follow me. Right now I DO NOT have the willpower to deal with shitstains in a civilised and normal manner. We can discuss this, but... BUT... I WILL enter cleansing indignation the moment I feel hostility at this thread. BE FOREWARNED!
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