There's at least one headline every day that's a head scratcher and today it is "Third wave of pandemic to attack children more."

I don't know how any sensible person can make two forward-looking statements so confidently, especially based on earlier failed track record.
Adults getting vaccinated doesn't mean children compensate for infections and disease by the numbers. In order for the virus to impact children more than it does today either children must become more susceptible or new variants must emerge that impact children more.
Because people do not think critically, they do not ask the more basic question: why exactly is it that children (as a population) are relatively LESS impacted by the lineage out of Wuhan and subsequent variants than those who older? I've been asking this for 15 months.
There are no definitive answers to this question, but the expert view now is that most children have some form of immunity to moderate to severe clinical disease. Children can and do get infected and can and do serve to spread infections.
If more adults are vaccinated or become immune from natural infection, then obviously children will be among the populations available to be infected. An immunologically naive population of newborns also exists. But this does not mean COVID-19 has become more severe in children.
We have to immunize children because COVID-19 is a vaccine preventable disease. Vaccines give them protection from disease (even if less severe) and some vaccines already have been shown in the real world to prevent infections and spread to others. Children don't live alone.
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