Mr. @CornellWBrooks,

Thank God for @Britannica. You ever read about something, but have to do a quick refresher?

Attention K-12 teachers: You may or may not be aware of recent news headlines regarding Critical Race Theory.

However, please prioritize your well-being.
As someone who *actually* worked, not in theory, or volunteered in communities with varying degrees of trauma, please do not engage people who don't know the work that you do.

I understand especially if you are working with Black and Brown students let alone White students
where you are starting from. Real educators know your battle. Real educators in the K-12 sector know where the conversations actually begin because you know they actually work with students full-time.

Oh dear Lord and notice how I'm only emphasizing the K-12 sector.
Anyways, Mr. Brooks please pray for your future grandchildren. They are going to inherit quite the world. And for those reading this thread, "do your work" and keep the faith.

Keep putting the devil to shame through your ongoing cultivation of love including joy.
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