Newsflash: A lot of people aren't who they appear to be. Many have hidden agendas, whether that's something perverse, or money-related, or otherwise. Skepticism is warranted with everyone that you meet on this platform, or the Internet in general.

Trust is earned, not given.
These people in question could be verified accounts, they could be political candidates, they could be people running PACs, they could be anyone who isn't who they appear to be.

It doesn't matter.

Be wary of everyone until you prove them to be innocent.

It's just how it is.
I'd warn you all of people specifically, but all that does is create a different kind of trouble. One where I just get attacked and cast as the villain. It's happened before, I'm sure it will happen again. Some folks just love the thrill of perpetual conflict and misery. Not me.
What I will say is that if someone or some group is asking you for money, research them thoroughly. They're probably a scam even if they don't seem to be. Even if they're a candidate they may be scamming.

Also, if someone asks you for personal info, don't share it. Not worth it.
I've been on this platform for almost 11 years and I've seen my fair share of horrible behavior, but honestly what I've seen within the resistance, how some people treat others, the abuse, as well as the fraud, it's absolutely gobsmacking levels of atrociousness. Truly shameful.
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