I get what Democrats mean when they say the GOP is no longer the party of Reagan, but it still feels like watching the end of GOODFELLAS and noting that they aren’t the same fun-loving gangsters from the start of the movie.

This was all headed in a certain direction.
Another note about Reagan is that his blow out victories did not involve minorities. Black folks didn’t care for the guy. But when Ford lost in 76, he carried 17 percent of the Black vote.
There was a time when the major distinction between Republicans and Democrats was financial status: upper middle class and above were GOP, working class people were Dems. If fewer Black people voted GOP, it was because fewer Black people were rich
But Jackie Robinson even started to feel the GOP’s racial backlash with Goldwater and the Civil Rights Act
Once the GOP formed a coalition of Southern segregationists and Northern “small government” (wink?) Republicans, it became a white identity party
By 1984, Reagan won with 66 percent of the white vote but just 9 percent of the Black vote. Soul Brother Mondale had 91 percent of the Black vote (close to Obama numbers)
Reagan went from 14 percent of the Black vote in 1980 to 9 in 1984. It wasn’t morning in America for us. Meanwhile, the media has promoted Trump’s much smaller gains in 2020. The media was silent about Reagan’s shrinking minority support
Reagan’s policies were both making POC less well off and they were alienating POC in general (endorsing Jesse Helms didn’t help)
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