If you ever wanted to fully understand when & where exactly, America went wrong, look no further than @LeaderMcConnell
@LeaderMcConnell has single handedly conquered partisan politics into a cult. There is not one person more responsible for how far we have come than this man. January 6 lives and breaths on the shoulders of a craven and decrepit, racist, boomer from Kentucky.
And just when he thought he had found the man of his dreams, Trump shits on @LeaderMcConnell just like he did to everyone else along the way. But yet Mitch said all the right things and played all the right games.
And he eventually asked for “unity” because he knows we dreamer Dems want unity so bad because we are desperate for peace of mind for one day of our fucking lives in the last four years.
And as sure as the mother fucking sun rises we are all sitting here tweeting our surprise when @LeaderMcConnell vows yet again to take down the American people and their children and their elders and their loved ones all in the name of Republicanism.
Let us never forget that we had the chance to end the #filibuster but thanks to the cowardly @JoeManchinWV , @LeaderMcConnell wins again. And all the American people suffered.
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