A couple of things about this print, recently tweeted by @cma_japanese, caught my eye. The print is by Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信, & is described as "The Courtesan (From A Collection of Beautiful Women of the Yoshiwara), 1770" [a thread, with questions]

#ukiyoe #printing

First off, it’s evidently a page cut from a book, so I was curious to learn more about the book. Second, as is generally true of Edo period pictorial prints, there’s text as well as image to read--and not just the inscribed poem, in this case...

Figured out the original book title via guesses in the NIJL database (tried kw: 美人合 plus auth: 鈴木春信): it’s _Ehon Seirō bijin awase_ 絵本青楼美人合 (5 vols). Published by Funaki Kasuke 舟木嘉助 et al. (Edo; Meiwa 7 /1770)

No digital copies listed in NIJL, but...

...happily there is a fine digital copy available in the NDL collection--also it's IIIF compatible!


The Cleveland print is in vol. 4, leaf 10 recto (leaf is numbered 58 五十八, as the book's numbering is cumulative)

So far so good.

Moving on to the other part of the original Cleveland print that got my attention: the courtesan depicted is reading a book, one volume in hand, two on the floor by her. The text in the book is unreadable scribble, but the book *title* is clear enough to read

She’s reading a book called _Nenashigusa_ ねなし草 -- presumably the famous kokkeibon (funny book) of that name by Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内, published in Hōreki 13 (1763). Definitely a choice suggesting wit & style!

Look through all 5 volumes of Harunobu's book, source of the Cleveland print, & you find other cases of images with identifiable reading matter. The print subjects are depicted engaged in some activity (music, writing, etc.), & the readers all seem to have unique texts

Here are some other examples, (& more in next tweet)

The British Museum (which has digitised vol. 3) notes, “The work is also a treasury of detail on the textiles and applied arts of the day.”

To which some of us just have to add:

¿What. About. The. BOOKS!?!

It would make a neat project, to track them all & build a virtual library.

Good to transcribe the poems, too, I guess, if that hasn’t been done--there are two modern facsimile editions [1915 and 1917] but no transcription, afaik.

Paging @ozu_mu: maybe you know of one?

Have to add a p.s. with one more reading -- Harunobu gets in a cheeky plug for one of his own books--Ehon ukiyobukuro 絵本浮世袋, newly published that same year!

Masters of product placement, these Edo book folks


?end (no really, time for bed)
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