It's no accident #bitcoin rose from the ashes of the Great Recession

Necessity = the mother of invention after all

The money-printing happening today is kindling for a Grand Conflagration

It's the backdraft that will burn the halls of power

I do not like it tbh

What's coming will be painful

As @aantonop states so eloquently, we're witnessing the Separation of Money and State

Someday, our children's children's children will read about this moment in textbooks
They will wonder at the fact that long ago governments controlled their own printing presses... and got to weaponize their currencies against other nations (and even their own people)
They will see that govts got to use money as a quiet tool of injustice (stealing from the poor and cloaking it in the benign-sounding word "inflation")

[Inflation = a wealth transfer mechanism... taking from the poor and giving to the wealthy]
Just like the Separation of Church and State was devastating for the church, the Separation of Money and State will be devastating for the state

But, I'm optimistic that it will create a better future for our children

Governments currently wield too much power over our lives
If their budgets were constrained by the hard reality of an unmanipulable currency

Then they'd be forced to stop spending on things they couldn't afford

They'd be forced to make the hard decisions we've put off for a generation
They'd have less funding for political bs and wars of aggression

They'd have to peel back funding on the "nice to haves" and apply it only to the necessities: health, safety nets, education and infrastructure
What seems imminent is the radical constriction of the political machine

The great ledgers of all the governments around the world will be made right

The debts will come due

The hard decisions will have to be made
And government's prominence and overreach and massive amount of headspace in our lives will retract like a rusty mechanical arm

We have too much government today

They have convinced us that we need them

But what if that's the lie?

What if we can become more self-reliant?
What if we borrow less?

What if we save more?

I should save my breath and not urge governments to buy bitcoin bc I think they're too arrogant and stupid to see beyond the end of their terms

But there is an opportunity for governments to embrace crypto
The greatest trade of them all could be a central bank buying $BTC with its (borrowed) paper wealth
None of us can see the future, but all of us can feel the change

Number go up distracts us from how deadly serious all this is

It's here and it's happening

There will be blood

But on the other side, I believe there will be less govt and more freedom, too

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