Hey #chaplaintwitter, a question for you all:

When you're called in for pre-surgery prayer - the kind where the surgery team is waiting on you to start their work - and the patient wants you to pray to a god that isn't yours, what do you do?
The chaplains running my orientation suggested trying to get in touch with a member of the patient's religious community so they can lead the prayer while you hold sacred space. I'm trying to think of things to do when that isn't possible.
I've thought of compiling healing prayers from various traditions and offering to read the appropriate one(s) while the patient prays in their heart (I think there's a difference between reading a prayer and praying it). What do y'all do?

@Pr_JT_Sipf @suesswassersee?
Further context if that's helpful: I'm most likely to do this during an overnight shift when I'm the only chaplain in the hospital.
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