Friends in the US: Over the past week Colombians set out to protest against crazy tax hikes, government corruption (which ~10% of the national budget) and the killing of hundreds of of local activists, environmental leaders, and human rights advocates over the past years (thread)
The police responded with absurd violence, shooting protesters at point blank, even firing into apartment windows where people were cheering for the protestors. Over 20 people have been killed by police, and close to 100 people have been arbitrarily detained and are missing.
The US is the Colombian Armed Forces' closest ally, consultant, and weapon/equipment vendor. In view of last week the House Foireign Affairs Committee has expressed concern, considering the US can't help armed forces that violate human rights (see
This is not the first time the Colombian armed forces have committed blatant abuses. Just last year a protester was shot dead from behind with a "sublethal" beanbag gun Sadly this is just one of countless cases over the decades.
This is what I'm talking about btw (warning: very graphic video):
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