A problem w the sexualized way a lot of cishet dudes draw women is that I literally do not even find it ideal or sexy bc they look like, painful. Like it lacks empathy for their body and their body feels Othered in a very specific way that I do not find sexually appealing
Like it is not that they are just Too Sexy and Perfect it is that they look Othered
I can not describe it any other way than it feels like they think of women as creatures with entirely different anatomy from Regular Humans
Like you can draw really sexy “idealized” women without it looked like. Fucked up
Like, I’m trying to avoid being too bluntly accusatory bc I can’t really know/confirm this. but it looks less like they were thinking “what would it be like to inhabit this body and move in it” when drawing and thinking only about “what would I like to interact with externally”
And if you are anyone who has inhabited a body like that or would like to or identifies with it on any level it feels really uncomfortable to look at. And you won’t see how weird that is if you just cant or wont think of the character beyond how youd personally interact with her
It looks like their bones and skin and muscles are all too tight idk man it looks like she’s going to explode
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