idk who needs to hear this but the entire lesbian community is NOT infested with TERFs. i know more trans lesbians than cis ones. thinly veiling your internalized lesbophobia by claiming it's to battle "the TERFs" is a weak way to show just how little you care abt trans lesbians.
every single part of the LGBT community has a transphobia issue that needs to be addressed, but your trans activism should start with cishet oppression, not lesbians just existing online.
equating the entire lesbian community with transphobia and TERF ideology only perpetuates misconceptions that lesbians have been fighting for decades and seriously harms actual trans, gnc and nonbinary lesbians who are already here and have already been here.
trans lesbians don't deserve to be lumped with their oppressors to make (primarily) white kweer people feel better about their microidentities when trans lesbians have always existed and fought for LGBT rights for FOREVER.
the dangerous TERFs arent lesbians just existing but are actually the cishet people in power taking away trans rights left and right. you want to fight transphobia and TERF rhetoric? call your representatives and fight transphobic policy.
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