Tw// cussing, homophobia, tansphobia, racism, rape, pedophilia, self harm.

A thread of people who have done some wrong shit and haven't apologized or had a shit apology. I'm not even trying to get people to be like "oh shit cancel them!" I'm just putting this out there.
Btw, correct me if I'm wrong for any of these.
1/4 Jacksepticeye. This one disappointed the fuck out of me because I grew up watching him. This was awhile back, but his apology was bullshit. So basically, back in like 2017-2018 he hired an editor by the name nopify and ya know nopify was or still is homophobic/transphobic
2/4 and you could tell because literally all of his tweets was just filled with slurs and other shit like that. People started finding out about nopify and started telling Jack. Jack clearly didn't give a fuck because he kept the editor, but removed his name from the description.
3/4 Jack knew what he was doing, but anyways. People found out afterwards that nopify was still the mf editor and called Jack out AGAIN. Later Jack adressed the situation and apologized. The reason I say that this apology is bullshit is because he lied.
4/4 He hid the fact that he had a xenophobic editor and didn't give a fuck. Also, he's dating a racist. Also made a police brutality joke and hid it,
Pokimane. Has said the n word.
Mindless Self Indulgence. Yeah, this caught me off guard also. They used to say the n word in a ton of their songs. So basically, they were being racist.
That was a lot of mf typing, oml.
1/2 Panic At The Disco. Brendon specifically. He said the n word while rapping, he said something along the lines of "sometimes I wish I was black so I could wear this without getting hate." Refering to a polo shirt and slack. He blamed his racism on his 'stage persona'
He also said something along the lines of "I'm going to f*ck everybody here weather you like it or not."
Cardi B. She says the n word. She isn't black, she is Dominican. She also drugged people just to f*ck them.
Game Grumps. Has said the n word a ton and never apologized.
Jon Tron. Has said the n word a ton of times also.
Dan Avidan. Grooming minors.
Gab Smolders. Racism towards Japanese people. Has said Japanese slurs, mockery of Asian accents is dating a transphobe.
Addison Rae. Blackface, said all lives matter, mocked blm.
Madison Beer. Said the n word, said the r slur, romanticized pedophilia, lied about self harm.
Let me know if I missed some people. Also, if you continue to support these people even after reading this entire thread. You're an asshole and please block me. Thank you.
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