A list of things I haven’t done.

By Todoroki Shouto, age 15.
1. I haven’t been in a car that is driving over 100 miles per hour. I think it would be fun, and it would be funny to see Midoriya make the face he made when we went on a rollercoaster together in the summer.
2. I haven’t eaten an American “Big Mac”. Kaminari said I had to put this on my list, but I don’t think I want to do it. Midoriya knows about American things, maybe he can tell me more about what exactly a “Big Mac” is.
3. I haven’t been to Europe. Midoriya said once that he would like to go to Paris one day and see the Eiffel Tower, and I think that would be fun. I’d like to go to Europe with Midoriya.
4. I haven’t been to HeroCon. Midoriya goes every year, so I will try to ask Endeavor for VIP tickets so we can go together. Maybe Midoriya will be okay with holding my hand. To make sure we don’t get lost.
5. I haven’t had a Starbucks frappuccino. They look gross. Midoriya drank one last week, and I had to wipe a bit of whipped cream off of his lip. So maybe Starbucks frappuccino’s aren’t all bad.
6. I haven’t counted the freckles on Midoriya’s cheeks. I tried when he was asleep during movie night last week, but he woke up before I could finish. I hope to accomplish this task soon.
7. I haven’t been on a date. If I did, I would take them to the hero merchandise store and use Endeavor’s credit card to buy the newest All Might figurine, then go get katsudon at the restaurant by Tatooin Station. Not that I’ve thought about it very much.
8. I haven’t told Midoriya Izuku that I think I’m in love with him.

And I’m too scared to try.
A list of things I have done.

By Todoroki Shouto, age 16.
1. I have told Midoriya Izuku that I know I’m in love with him.

And Midoriya Izuku told me that he’s in love with me.

And I don’t think I’m scared anymore.
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