Oh you love anarchism? Name ONE state anarchists have ever controlled. That’s right, you can’t 👀
I would totally be okay with anarchists if they would just politely show up to the polling station and vote for their favorite state representative like the rest of us!
If anarchists hate the state so much why don’t they just run for election and work to change it from within?
Why don’t all these anarchists just engage with us in the free market of ideas? Then, if they really think anarchism is such a good idea, they can canvass their neighborhoods and get the votes to prove it!
These anarchists wouldn’t be so bad if they would ever be willing to just reach across the aisle and be willing to compromise with people who have fundamentally incompatible values and want to throw them in prison!
I just wish anarchists weren’t so *judgmental.* Why do they need to be so angry just because I throw my political support and agency behind the people who want to oppress them?
For loving anarchy, anarchists certainly have a lot of rules. It’s like they have this whole value system that they’re willing to fight everyone else for and that doesn’t seem very “anarchy” to me.
If anarchists hate the state so much why don’t they just move to another state?
Have you all noticed that every anarchist also happens to live IN a State? Fucking hypocrites.
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