The law notices the same things about Zak's arguments as anyone who's ever read them has.
Zak's own lawsuit admits that Gen Con isn't the one who initiated these reports, and in his accusations of harm he engages in the same malice and disregard he accuses them of.

Again, Zak learns court rooms don't like his arguments any more than ordinary folks.
As on the Internet, Zak ignores any evidence contrary to his claims and asserts he's proved points he doesn't bother to actually prove.
"He merely concludes it." Sound familiar?
This legal brief suggests what I believed: Once everyone's saying this stuff about Zak, the legal jeopardy of repeating it is vastly lowered.

(I am not a lawyer.)
Reading the motion to dismiss (that's where all these screen shots have come from so far), it sounds like Zak's lawyer looked up the statues and just asserted that Gen Con did everything without providing any evidence of that.
Zak tried to sue Gen Con on a statute that contains the screen-shotted examples for successful cases. So, suing on that is a lot like DARVO in legal form, to me.
Zak sues saying Gen Con caused harm to Washington consumers, which requires that he and GC have a business relationship. He doesn't even try to prove there's a business relationship, or that a con that happens in IN resulting in a CA resident not making money hurts WA consumers.
Zak is so narcissistic that he regards a private dispute between he and Gen Con as something that harms the public interest. The public interest is dealt a fatal blow if Zak can't sell his cruddy D&D knockoffs in Indiana one weekend a year. Sheesh.
(You can't blame him. Publication of tittydungeons* is well known to relieve world hunger.)

* I don't know if he does tittydungeons; I wouldn't soil myself by reading one of his extrusions
I'm starting to think that Zak's lawyer is a sockpuppet, like when he pretended to be Applecine⸮
Zak sued Peter Adkinson's wife and doesn't even mention her in his suit. I guess he just wanted to make sure he was directly hurting a woman with this lawsuit?
About to dig into the objection to the motion to dismiss. I wonder how many faceplants there'll be.
Maybe this is why they sued in Washington state; it's got a looser standard.
Much like many roleplaying games, this objection contains an inexplicable and pointless definition of what a roleplaying game is.
You can't make it in the RPG hobby unless you go to Gen Con. You just CAN'T.
There's nearly a page in this objection going on about how beloved and successful a designer Zak is.

Sorry, was.


(I won't screenshot that garbage.)
I don't get why Zak's objection to dismissal includes an admission that they tried this on Mike Mearls (I think?) and failed. Maybe it's legally required?
Wow, is "hypothetical facts" an actual legal term? That sounds like satire. Also, I don't see where here (or anywhere else) Zak proves that Mandy's claims are false, but he sure states it.
A few pages ago, Zak was a renown game designer with multiple "industry" awards and a fine artist with his work in many galleries.... But he's not a public figure. Ok, buddy. Pick one, right?
It tickles me Zak's own objection needs to use the phrase "Zak was a sexual abuser and harasser" over and over again (yes, to refute it, but it's funny anyway).
Con organizers: according to the Zak Smith School of Law, if you sell him a ticket and acknowledge his presence at your con, you're in a business relationship with him. Sounds to me like a very solid reason never to let him come to one of your conventions.

But I'm no lawyer.
(Of course you already have voluminous reason not to, like being a human being with a soul.)
Because some of the 70K people who go to Gen Con might be Washington residents, harm is caused to Washington consumers, because they might not buy his shit?

I mean, I think more harm is done to WA consumers if they let that garbage be sold within its borders, but whatever.
I'm back on to a Gen Con filing, which seems to be an argument on why this should be dismissed. It starts with this gem.

Also, long, drawn-out narrative devoid of any citation could describe any one of his blog posts.
This is a hilarious and accurate dunk: Zak's case argues that reverse causation is a thing. Only in Tenent, buddy, and no one's even seen that.
Whodathunkit. Zak Smith, of all people, thinks he should have the right to force someone to let him into their private event.
Unlike the Internet, in court, ignoring a good point someone else made doesn't get you anywhere.
Unfortunately there's no record of oral arguments in this set of documents, so that's all I got for now. If someone uncovers the transcript, I'd love to read it.
I just found this thread over on RPG/.net, including several lawyers discussing it.
This comment in particular is great. It's by a lawyer who provides context for the Mearls case while ripping Zak apart in the most hilarious ways.
This, from one of Zak's blog posts, is—I imagine—another way of saying "My ego has not yet eclipsed my daddy's trust fund nor my lawyer's greed and lack of shame."
I suppose only by appealing this lawsuit will this walking abortion of a "man" ever have the word "appealing" used in reference to him.
This hilarious gem from the  thread (WHICH YOU MUST READ) needs to be set to music. Comment here:
Apparently Mandy's fundraiser has donations paused :(.
I just learned that Washington no longer has an anti-SLAPP law, which I imagine is why Zak sued Gen Con there instead of, you know, Indiana.
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