July 2020 - May 2021
For everyone that’s curious or sent me a DM I just want to clarify a couple things. The before picture was at the tail end of the gyms closing with 4 months of me being completely sedentary and drinking heavily
Before that, I worked out heavily and was pretty built so when I started working out again it wasn’t from zero. So muscle memory definitely played a part. also I’m 5’6 and without exercise relatively skinny for those who weren’t clear of my body type
The protein I use is Serious Mass and the Preworkout I use is Lit AF. For those who have dm’d me or want to dm me for advice on what steroids to use I wish I could help but I can’t because I don’t use them.
Lastly I have no problem sharing my workout if, but please note: that I am not a trainer, the workout I do is what works for ME, and I have strained my shoulders and elbows multiple times (at this moment my right elbow is in pain) so dm if you still want it
You can follow @DecolletageGawd.
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