A few thoughts before tomorrow.

It's been an incredible privilege to serve as a local councillor for Bridge, but, in my role as opposition spokesperson for education and children's services, I've always tried to represent children, families and schools right across Suffolk too.
I can't tell you how inspiring and joyous it's been to meet so many special people and organisations who go to extraordinary lengths to help and support others.

There are so many I could name, but I hope those who I'm talking about know how much I've loved working with them.
At the same time, I cannot believe how terrible the lived experiences are for so many families.

The stories I've heard over the last four years have been pretty harrowing at times and, while not diminishing any of the personal testimonies people have shared, they aren't rare.
From cuts to culture, the Conservatives at Suffolk County Council have deep-rooted, probably irrevocable, issues when it comes to the treatment of children and their families.

Change is glacial and is often undermined by their actions elsewhere.
At nearly every turn, when presented with failures or criticisms of the system, they double down, spin, cover up, mislead, suppress.

Every small change is a constant battle and can take years to achieve.

At their worst, the Conservatives blame families for their predicament.
The Conservative's cuts have continued over the four years I've been a councillor, but they have repeatedly fallen on families.

Health visitors, speech and language hubs, school tranport and children's centres have been just some of the hits. It's felt relentless.
The children's centre closures, forced through during a global pandemic will have a horrific impact on early years.

After the Conservative's cuts in 2015 and 2020, Suffolk has just 17 full-time centres left. We used to have 47.

We saved what we could, but they were brutal cuts.
In some other cases, we've had the same perfect storm of short-sighted cuts, pigheadedness and hilariously/woefully bad supporting evidence.

When it came to their school transport cuts, they decided to shift blame onto schools and parents for good measure too.
They have consistently kicked a review and the opportunity for any changes down the road.

Families and villages are still split. The cost of spare seats and post-16 has nearly reached £1,000 per child, per year.

We won't see any changes now until 2022/23 at the earliest.
Finally, SEND.

I'll start with a positive - the plans for 800+ new SEND places which I helped developed as part of a cross-party group were nothing short of a necessity.

But they alone aren't a magic bullet. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-48028548
And we have to remember why this had to happen.

Children were being sent hundreds of miles away, placed in inappropriate provision or not even attending school at all.

Even now, there are already signs that the admissions process is already not working. https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/suffolk-county-council-special-school-places-2650618
Receiving timely and high-quality EHCPs, referrals and provision is a constant battle and there has also been a scandalous lack of action re. huge rates of fixed term exclusions which have disproportionally affected children with SEND, off-rolling and forced home schooling.
There are many, many more things I could mention, but this @EADT24 front page, coming in the wake of the devastating SEND re-inspection, says it all.

Two years after this front page, things are as bad as they've ever been for hundreds of families. They haven't been listened to.
I hugely regret that I wasn't able to force through greater change in my four years as a councillor - opposition is a frustrating place to be, especially in the face of such ingrained denial and disinterest.

It's clear to me that major change is needed to make progress.
Clearly, I'm biased, but I hope you will consider voting Labour tomorrow - there are some brilliant candidates to choose from who I believe will deliver that change.

If you care about children and families, please don't vote Conservative - their record speaks for itself.
You can follow @jackabbott90.
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