Honestly everything wrong with Hollywood filmmaking at the moment can be summed up with "Someone thought you needed a movie explaining how someone named Cruella De Vil became a villain."
Very much akin to "Don't you want to know how Han Solo got his name?" "Uh, because 'Han Solo' is the kind of name a character in Star Wars would have?" "Well shit, that's pretty much all we got."
And the hell of it is I'd love a non IP movie about Emma Stone as a bitchy fashion designer in early 80s London. But the thing is no one would finance it, or it'd be quietly dumped on Amazon with no fanfare and a weekend at most of chatter.
"The Content Factory That Owns Everything is bad when it makes stories I don't like but good when it makes stories I like" is such a lethal drug for nominal lefties to avoid having to criticize a monopoly when it would inconvenience them huh.
And this is what I mean when I mentioned earlier about Disney presenting you with the illusion of choice, "Oh you don't like Marvel or Star Wars? We have a fun campy movie about intrigue in the fashion world." And you don't realize you're still in the theme park.
To end this on a positive note you want a movie about an awful woman trying to make it big in a grimy city in the early 80s? Susan Seidelman's Smithereens is fan-fucking-tastic and currently on HBO Max.
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