“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Ps 121:1-2)

I may be down in the bottom of the valley today where there is grief and continued physical pain, but I’m not alone there. I have family,
friends, a good doctor, medical options. All those things are true.

But all those truths rest inside the larger truth that I am held in, and held together by, the hands of God – who is faithful in all things, unfailing in his compassion, and lavish in his love for me.
So, while there are times I can’t hear him above the noise of my own storms, I do know that if I seek him in the midst I’ll always find him. Today, he’s here in the steady tapping of the rain on the windows. He’s here in the calling of the geese overhead and the song of the birds
He is here in the quiet morning shadows, sitting still with me, waiting with me for stiffness to ease and pain to subside.
He is here in the light that pushes the clouds apart, spilling through the window and gently pouring warmth over my head.
He is here, settled in close as my daughter neatly tucks herself in to my side for a morning cuddle. And, He is here in the “I love you” that I whisper into her ear, saying it quietly back to me in her soft reply.

This is the balm of peace that he makes just for me.
This is the steadying hand on my shoulder, the affectionate hand laid over my head. This is the whisper that calms my storm and settles me to stillness so that I can remember the truth that is greater than my disease:
My help does indeed come from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Whether I'm down in the valley of scattered bones, walking the hills, or making my ascent, he will not let my foot slip, he will watch over me, and he will keep me - now and on into forever.
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