THEAD//: Dr. José Desena, AKA Dr. Death and the lives he’s taken.
Yesterday a photo of an extreme botched Brazilian butt lift went viral here on Twitter. The surgeon that performed this operation is dr. Desena.

I researched who this doctor even was. This man has 7+ BODIES, some even say 12
Anyways continuing this thread ( because twt locked my account 😒 )

there is a Facebook group dedicated to women that have survived from Dr. Desena’s operation called “Survivors of dr. Desena”
Trigger warning: Images of scars and Mentions death experiences
here is one post where one of his patients admit she had sex with him and experienced burns after being operated on. This is outrageous!
Trigger warning: Near death experience and images of burned scar wounds
another one of his patients who nearly died from his operations
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