It was years before I realized what it really was. That was one gift a home that wasn't a home gave me: alone in my room, I became the #storyteller, weaving a quilt to comfort me in chaos, laying a path of possibility out of the terror, brick by brick.
It sounds cliche, but it really was a dark & stormy night. Rain pounded the windows & mirrored my tears. A flash of lightning interrupted me: in a moment I knew spirit & story can weather anything. And so, here I am, dedicating myself to the #everlasting epic of healing.
I heard myself coming: foosteps tentative but steady, I was nervous about my approach. I locked the angry me away in a #soundproof room, let myself fester and swell until I burst with a rage that no one but me could hear, but I needed myself again. Where'd I put the key?
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