As the parent of a Black child in private school (& a former student myself) these hot takes from white parents about their hand-wringing over their kids reading & re-examining history & works inclusive of other cultures is infuriating & insulting to me đŸ€Ź
Back in HS I challenged my own independent school’s focus ONLY on whitewashed US & Euro history, literature & narratives. I’m happy my daughter’s school today is committed to figuring out how to do better. But this tired argument of “making white kids feel bad” is ridiculous 🙄
Mostly because the world should not & cannot continue to exist primarily for the comfort of White people, & kids learning that early on is important, and 2) because no one gave a DAMN about OUR discomfort learning barely ANYTHING about our own history & perspectives for years 😒
I’m sick of it. How you think our kids felt being ignored & dismissed for decades? So white parents and kids just gotta man up and face what all has been done, teach it, examine it, talk about it and learn from it along with us. Why? SO WE CAN FIX IT & PREVENT IT FROM CONTINUING.
So no, “school just can’t be school” anymore bc the world isn’t just “the world” for us. It’s a constant minefield, a maze of survival based on the systems that have been put in place. We can’t opt out on that so white families shouldn’t get to opt out on learning about it.
Also FWIW the response to this person’s initial question/complaint in the article from @FreireichAbby @BPlatzer was very well done
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