This year my Twitter has been full of my whining and complaining. But honestly, right now, with seven weeks to go, all I want to do is shut my door, turn off the lights, pull the shades, and put my head on my desk and sob. (Thread)
Second year in a new job and my self doubt and self worth have been going at it like World War Three. I was a kick ass middle school teacher; I am not even tapping anything as a high school one.
I have been so unproductive. I know in my head that my self worth is not tied to my productivity, but try telling that to my self doubt.
It doesn’t help that most of my professional circle consists of award winning teachers and presenters on state, regional, and national levels, and they have been doing SO WELL during this pandemonium. Me? I am flailing.
I have imposter syndrome, big time. Do I really belong in the company of these professionals who I respect? Short answer: No. I have never felt more like a failure than I do this year. Not even during my first and second years of teaching.
I know, in my head, that I am not the only one feeling this way. I just wish more people would be vocal about it.
And that is the highlight REAL for today. #truthinsocialmedia
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