EU27+UK GHG emissions (including LULUCF) have declined 30% from 1990 to 2019.

By changes by sector were:
* Energy: -28%
* Industry: -30%
* Agriculture: -20%
* Waste: -44%
* LULUCF: +37% (stronger sink)

The energy sector is the largest in terms of GHG emissions.

The changes from 1990 to 2019 were:
* Energy industries: -41%
* Manufacturing: -41%
* Transport: +20%
* Other (buildings, etc): -27%
* Fugitive: solid -73%, oil/gas -46%

Transport is a problem...

Considering only CO₂ emissions, emissions are nearly totally dominated by energy (see previous tweet for details), with some emissions from industrial processes (cement, etc) and LULUCF as a sink.

CH₄ emissions have gone down 40% from 1990 to 2019, by sector:
* Energy: -61%
* Agriculture: -21%
* Waste: -46%

This shows that big reductions can be made for CH₄, it is more than burning cows...

N₂O emissions have gone down 37% from 1990 to 2019, by sector:
* Energy -5%
* Industry: -90%
* Agriculture: -19%
* Waste: +12%
* LULUCF: +4%

Again, N₂O reductions can be made, particularly in industry. It is not just agriculture...

Finally, the most complex sector, LULUCF, where there are both emissions & removals.

The biggest removals are from forests that remain forests (managed forests). Some of this will be management, some will be CO₂ fertilisation & climate (ie, luck).

Lots of other dynamics...

That was the EU27+UK GHG emissions in a nutshell.

Lots more data to dig into, this is just a summary found in the UNFCCC submitted emission inventories. And there are about 40 countries with this data (Annex I).

Let me know what data you would like to see...

My apologies for burning the cows in tweet 4, I only meant them to burp...
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