Intrauterine Device (IUD) insertion demo. IUD is a tiny birth control device and it can lasts up to 5 years max (the copper one). it is 99% effective as it blocks sperm. #SexEducation
people with breed kink be like ... 👀
friendly reminder that IUD doesnt prevent STD ☝🏻
menyampah pula aku dengan orang acah-acah IUD ni bahaya la, tak berkesan la.. benda ni precautions step bukan aku suruh semua perempuan pakai. nenek kau pakai tak jadi lantak la, aku pakai okay je 😅 lelaki perempuan sama je. ada perangai Melayu totok suka takut-takutkan orang.
yang lelaki time ni kau sibuk fikir sakit ya. fikir benang la apabenda semua. still fikir sex sedap ke tak.. yall disgust me.
tak reti baca replies is it? masa belajar science sekolah dulu korang buat apa? sibuk melucah? sorry, sumpah annoyed.
get it only if YOU want it ladies. dont let a man tell you to risk your body for their benefit.
read this info pulak while you are here! 🥰
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