it’s truly staggering how many western academics consider themselves experts on colonialism and its role in world history but won’t even utter the word palestine. you literally could not find a better example of settler colonialism happening right now if you tried.
palestinians are beat up and shot on the streets every single day by fascist military occupation forces and fascist settlers. houses being stolen and land literally being burned. children screaming because their homes are being invaded. what about this is so difficult to condemn?
you should be ashamed of yourself for biting your tongue. i will keep shaming westerners and amer*cans while i’m here until i can return. this doesn’t end at Sheikh Jarrah. the Nakba is ongoing and it will NEVER end without the *complete* destruction of the z*onist project.
i don’t care how repetitive i sound palestinians have been repeating the same fucking shit for decades and we will keep doing it until the world believes our liberation is realistic as we do because we are dead otherwise. we have nothing else but hope and it’s kept us surviving.
i’m so exhausted for all of us. everyday we have to wake up and see how many more people have been brutally beaten or arrested or killed and this is nothing compared to being there and watching it happen without having any control over what happens to you or your loved ones.
being Palestinian means your safety is on the line everyday for doing absolutely nothing besides existing. no matter if you’re 10 years old. this level of brutality and inhumanity is simply too cruel to last.
the footage of the protestors in Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa bring me to tears. i love my people more than anything in the world.
i’m done now but yelling into this void is therapy
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