Hi, please don't use me as your model to tell other disabled people they're not trying hard enough because "look at corina! They're successful despite their disabilities!" yeah I'm also privileged af! My parents had money. I may be broke but during my childhood my parents
never had to worry about going broke because of my medical problems. ALSO I'M WHITE. Do I still deal with discrimination and hardships because of my disability, yes. Am I still privileged in certain ways because I'm white, yes. Disabled people are not lazy for needing
Accommodations. Disabled people succeeding despite being disabled should never be used to tell another disabled person they're not trying hard enough.
Let me also add if I EVER find ANYONE using MY NAME to make another disabled person feel like they're not doing enough, I will find you and throw fish at you. Yup. Fish. I will grab trout and throw them at your face.
Another thing about this, I HAD SO MANY ACCOMMODATIONS! Yes there were certain things that I worked around. But I had A LOT of help by being accommodated. Without accommodations I would not have been successful. And the only reason I got those accomodations is because again, I
Was privileged. My parents had money. They could buy me the accommodations I needed. My mother was also a stay at home mom. Not everyone is in a position where at least one if their parents can stay at home and help their children. NOR SHOULD ANY PARENT FEEL BAD IF THEY ARE NOT
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