Final update.

Marcus is back and he's safe here at the barracks. Gonna be checking on him frequently throughout the night and onto the next to ensure he's still ok.

So far so good. Thank God.

I do want to share a sincere moment he and shared...
After I picked him up we headed to get some food. I knew he was hungry for something outside hospital food and he kindly requested Subway. Too easy my man, Subway it is.

Off we go.
As we drove I asked him a few questions on how he's doing etc, to learn more for myself on what I need to do to take care of him.

Then he got real quiet and I assumed he just didn't want to talk about it right now. That's fine bud, we'll talk about it later....
Then I glanced at him and he was just bawling his eyes out in silence.

I was like: Hey man it's alright, I gothu with me. You're gonna be fine.

Then he asks through the tears:

"Why did this happen to me? I don't remember anything and I am so scared. Why did this happen?"
I pulled over and just about choked up myself... I had no idea how to answer him. I've been so out of the loop that I couldn't even give him the answer he wanted...

So I just said what I felt in my heart...
"I don't know bud. I wish I could give you a straight answer but I can't...

But you're safe now. You're with me and I'm going to make sure you're taken care of. If it happens again, I'll be right here with you and we'll tackle this together, alright?"
I just reached over and held his hand. I looked into his eyes and to be honest, I don't think I'll ever be the same. I saw fear, doubt and sincere worry for his own life in his eyes.

I could barely keep from looking away.

But I didn't...
I held my grip and my stare and just kept saying: "it's alright. It's alright" over and over.

I didn't let go because the ONLY thing that mattered to me in that moment was Marcus. Absolutely nothing else was going to pull me away from him. Nothing.
We sat there for about 15 minutes before he said he was OK.

Then we resumed the drive home. 5 hours later he settled back into his room and I've coordinated with the rest of the platoon to make sure he's being checked on theoigg the night.
I learned something valuable today...

It's not about me. I've been fortunate to have undergone some terrible and maturing experiences before I joined the army. Things that happened on my mission that I don't even tell my own family.

I realized in that moment-
- that being his leader requires me to be prepared to give my life for his or do whatever it takes to guarantee his safety, no matter the cost. I was ready in that moment to do ANYTHING it took to make sure this brother was safe and that his needs were met...
Now this may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but it just wrenched my heart seeing him like that. I felt anger, helplessness and doubt. But I refused to let go. I refused to back down from those fears.

If it wasn't me then who would? No one.

It had to be me.
This was such an important lesson for me because it taught me something about leadership.

That as a leader or an NCO, you no longer have a choice. You MUST put their needs above your own. You are their source of stalwart strength and when they're-
- hurting, in pain, wounded, afraid etc you're their beacon of hope. Even if you're hurting yourself, you can't show it and you can't let them see you weak. It's all on you and you must provide.
My favorite scripture John 15:13 has been repeating all through my head ever since.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"
I was ready. It may not have made sense but I was ready to trade my life for his because of what I saw in his eyes.

I love my soldiers and I just want what's best for them. I don't know what I'm doing half the time and I definitely fail them often.

But I love them.
For those who stayed and read through the whole thing:

I thank you. Your words and prayers throughout this entire experience has meant the world to me and Marcus.

My sincerest gratitude 🤝
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