I just spent several hours, HOURS, arguing with a handful of misogynistic fans, one or two of whom changed their stances, and an OP who was tailoring each of his responses, about this J. Scott Campbell stuff. A thread-
My take is this- is it rude to change Campbell’s work? Sure, BUT...
This edit is part of a series of fan “fixes” designed NOT to correct the artists’ lack of ability, as some pros and fans are assuming (and getting WAY too upset about), but to critique the level of hyper-sexualization that routinely occurs in comic book depictions of women.
Fans do NOT want to have that conversation, opting instead to hide behind an anti-censorship stance.
Like, they CLING to it, despite the many different ways that people like me explain that this Campbell edit is NOT a censorship issue. It’s insane.
Look, I’m sure @JScottCampbell is a sweet guy, and very hardworking, but his work is NOT above critique. No artists’ work is above critique. Ok, maybe a Renaissance master or Jack Kirby (biased). I mean, we go to art school to learn how to do this for each other.
And a 90’s guy who has been criticized again and again for how he draws women, should probably update his craft. Especially, post #metoo
J. Scott Campbell is a SOLID draftsman, and he could easily lose the cheesecake and shed very few fans.
Maybe he feels financially locked into the subject matter? Idk. I think he can do better.
I think comics can do better. But no one wants to hear it. The industry is SO used to turning its artists into untouchable rockstars and golden gods, and is so DRENCHED with toxic, hyper-sexualized drawings of women, that any critique elicits scorn or crickets.
The worst offenders, of course, are the straight male fans, the ComicsGate crowd being the worst, who eat this type of art up.
But there are women and queer fans who aren’t interested in questioning misogynistic art, either. I met a few of them, today.
I think they’re probably rationalizing it to the point that they see it as a non-issue. That’s not correct.
Misogyny in comic book art is very much an issue. I mean, people keep saying that, but the rest stuff cotton into their ears, or take things out of context to justify a defensive response. 🤷‍♂️ Maddening.
It’s a shame to lose people over this topic. I had to cut off two guys over this, just today and yesterday. One was the OP. Luckily, we’ve never met. It’s always harder to cut off someone you know in real life.
I wish I could do “agree to disagree”, but it’s hard with social justice issues. The arguing is exhausting. The derision is exhausting. But these conversations need to occur.
Nobody is going to read this, but I feel better. 🤣
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