Shia male privilege is real.

“Women should do this” “Women shouldn’t do that” when you mans get to walk around without a worry in the world about getting harassed whilst simply doing azadari.
Create safe spaces for women and we won’t have a problem of nah mahrem gazes spoiling sacred religious rituals. And above all, brush up on your knowledge about hijab, wajibat an respect for women before pinning the blame on them for all your problems.
So many girls, myself included, have been harassed in religious settings. Whether it’s jaloos, majlis, Ziyarats, harums, hajj etc. Did we ask for it? Did we predict for it to happen? Should we stop going for Ziyarat all together?
Yes, protect your hijab. Be cautious of the crowds you attend. But WHY is the solution for it to “just stay at home.” Why deny an entire gender the right to partake in azadari? Why not call out men for once? Why not create environments that are safe for women to be in?
Do you not see the sad reality in the fact that 1000s of years later, kaneezan-e-Zahra are still denied basic respect. They didn’t let her mourn her father. They didn’t let Zainab mourn her brother. They won’t let us mourn the Ahlulbayt.

No one is saying women should walk into any xyz gathering and put their hijab at risk. That’s on us to be responsible and make appropriate judgement that are in line with the values of the Ahlulbayt (AS). But ba khuda, men need to wake up to the reality of female oppression.
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