Public reporting has further confirmed this by showing that Fox News personalities were influencing where PPE would go. Given their cozy relationship with the Trump crime family. Assume a quid pro quo
However, mainstream media never pushed back to determine what Trump and Kushner did with the medical goods from the stockpile.

However, @Real_QL brilliantly lays out the full profiteering scheme in the 🧵 ⤵️

Briefly, PPE was sold at hyper-inflated prices to 3rd parties

Kushner controlled the resources w/ free reign, had the motive to keep supply low (simple econ=higher price), &had a political grudge against those he saw as enemies and not 🔑 to the pandemic profiteering scheme. So what did he do? He purposefully let Blue State citizens die

He was a monopoly and the 🔑 distributor of medical goods. He had absolute control of the national stockpile and made a purposeful decision NOT to help New Yorkers as they died in record #s . Ostensibly, he chose not to do so because it didn’t fit with his profiteering scheme

He likely also saw it as a way to punish a political rival in Gov Cuomo who was receiving media praise for his guided handling of the pandemic (at the time anyway).

The evidence remains that he chose profits over American lives, potentially establishing a genocide for profit

His actions at the VERY LEAST may have led to the deaths of countless US healthcare workers who perished as a result of supply shortages and inadequate protection. To understand the full extent of the toll this caused please visit @CTZebra page which memorializes these heroes

Let me be clear. My writings and theory are not definitive or absolute. I am here simply to offer the preliminary/circumstantial evidence and blue print that others with better resources can pursue

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