The 5 Pillars Of Confidence

(How I Went From Deathly Shy To Bulletproof Confidence)

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Growing up, I was always an introvert.

I would rarely speak up in class and I hated talking to strangers.

I would be even so shy as I wouldn't want to ask my teachers if I could use the restroom.

This changed in a hurry.

Here's what happened 👇
Pillar #1: Health

I used to look in the mirror and be ashamed of what I saw.

After a trip to the hospital from alcohol poisoning, I promised myself that I would be proud of what I saw in the mirror.

I committed to taking back control of my health & body.
The result: I felt like the MAN

I could take off my shirt at the beach and not be self-conscious.

I could pull off any $10 t-shirt and still look good.

I could act more authentic in social situations.

If you hate what you see in the mirror, you will lack confidence PERIOD.
Pillar #2: Keeping My Promises To Myself

Most people lie to themselves on a daily basis.

They say they'll wake up at 6 AM and then hit snooze.

They say they'll get a project done and then push it off until tomorrow.

You CAN'T do this...
For me, I created a daily power list.

This was 5 tasks that I needed to complete on a daily basis to take me closer to my goals.

If I did the tasks, I WON the day.

So every single day I was keeping the promises that I made to myself through 5 simple tasks.
Pillar #3: Rolodex of Wins

In order for your confidence to breed confidence, you need to have some wins AND remember those wins.

For me, I began to see clear wins in my body transformation and in my business.

The proof was building that I SHOULD be confident.
Keep a "highlight reel" of your wins on your phone and review it consistently.

You have achieved quite a bit BUT you just spend too much time thinking about the failures.

This will fix that.
Pillar #4: Do Scary Shit

What does this mean?

You NEED to do things that make you uncomfortable.

This is how bulletproof confidence is built.

Anyone can be confident in 1 or 2 areas but BULLETPROOF confidence is rare.

Here's what you need to do 👇
Identify the things you've been neglecting deep down that you know you need to do.

- hard conversations
- making the "big decision"
- doing the things you know you need to do

And now you ATTACK them 1 by 1.

You'll realize that you had nothing to be afraid of.
Pillar #5: Surround Yourself With Winners

If your friends are all insecure, shy, and negative...

You'll have a hard time becoming the opposite.

By now, you've built up the confidence to talk to new people and make new friends.

Use this power and surround yourself with winners
Bulletproof Confidence Activated âś…

1) Health
2) Keep Your Promises
3) Rolodex of Wins
4) Do Scary Shit
5) Surround Yourself With Winners

Follow these pillars and you'll have no trouble becoming the authentic & confident version of yourself.
P.S. I'm looking for 3 people who want to bulletproof their confidence and their body.

I will design systems for your training, nutrition, & mindset.

You will get 24/7 access to me.

You will transform your confidence & body PERIOD.

(Not free)

DM me 👇
You can follow @TheJackBly.
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