well no time like the present to dig into the RICOCHET-MUSTAFA ALI THUNDERDOME(S) WAR

September 2 of last year on MAIN EVENT
lmao I haven't heard this dude's music in so long, this shit starts with PEW-PSHOO sound effects of, I guess, bullets ricocheting off stuff, I'm going to shit my drawers
I'm going to enter the battle grounds with in-my-face, over-the-top, multi-player mayhem, and brawl without limits.
Mustafa Ali had not yet started a very bad gang
They're being all friendy-competitive at the start but then someone has to be mean so they can have a wrestling match and not play pat-a-cake.
Saxton should maybe not do his "overly dorky" bit without a third guy there who makes fun of him in response. That's not that great an act in the first place, but without someone making fun of him he just comes off like a complete dipshit.
"A brainbuster, of sorts!" says Tom Phillips.
"Both these men are capable of anything inside a WWE ring," Tom says, but it seems to me that "inside a WWE ring" is the last place they're "capable of anything," really

cool power bomb though
Recoil gets Ricochet the win.
Three weeks later on September 23, we're doin' it again!
"You might recall, Tom, Mustafa Ali and Ricochet actually went one-on-one a couple weeks ago."

Yeah, Tom, you might recall. Maybe. You also might not let's be serious
Byron says their match from September 2 was "an absolute classic." Even by internet standards this would be stretching things.
this one's got more fire than the match three weeks earlier, first from Ali and then Ricochet having to step up and match it
Despite Ali's repeated vocal insistence he would not lose to Ricochet again, he loses to Ricochet again
terrible news, I must go to Peacock and enter the WWE section
worse news, Ali has at this point started his atrocious gang.
Just an all-timer awful faction. Up there with The Corre, League of Nations, and The Rising.
Ali is offering to "save" Ricochet but Ricochet wisely never does join Retribution
"Goodness," says Byron, who is my grandma
Ricky takes out the dork patrol while whatever stupid name Mia Yim had gets out of the way
Ali gets the W with the Koji Clutch. The future is bright for Retribution!
Match #4 in the Ricochet-Ali ThunderDome(s) Series, now moved to St. Pete and Tropicana Field for the December 28 Raw!

Ricochet had prior to this done one of those Raw Talk promos where he spoke passionately about his career in WWE that 28 people online convinced themselves would mean something but like always did not
Mustafa Ali and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad gang
Really is silly that Ricochet didn't just join, he already had the stupid name
bruh MY knees hurt, fuck that
oh T-Bar got what's for
Ricochet is Koji Clutched into passing out again, it's 2-2 in the ThunderDome(s)!
Back to Main Event on April 28 of this year! It's Ricochet-Ali V!
I've watched five straight Byron Saxton-called matches which is generally something I try to avoid although in ALL honesty he seems like such a nice man and I don't really blame him for how much I hate his work
Retribution are dead. "Shut 'em down" indeed.
"This one promises to be absolutely epic," promises the new guy.
when direct to video movies have action scenes but lack the budget or skill to shoot them well they tend to make the big moments look fast and hard to see clearly, but still with the idea that you can tell what's happening mostly
hell yeah they got the least amount of time (by a good bit) they've gotten to date and they busted out a WCW {Pro} finish for it. Ali up 3-2 in the ThunderDome, on a 3-match win streak of Ricky!
that's all five of their matches in the ThunderDome(s) so far. all fine at worst, p damn good at best. and these lads are doing their best to tell a running, cohesive story, even with the Retribution flop coming in the middle of it all, and even with the hindrance that it is WWE
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