1. I'm actually very boring
2. I can draw a straight horizontal line with a free hand but not a vertical line. Strange.
4. I wanted to get into writing in second person present tense, but I'm afraid it's going to sound like Sansa Stark reading out Littlefinger's crimes. "You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason."
5. I can't write poetry😭
6. I'm 5'10. Too tall for the short, too short for the tall.
7. I may soon run out of facts about myself.
8. My native name means "all is well."
9. I love making up words. Verbs from nouns, nouns for verbs. One time, I was very shocked to find out that there was no such thing as 'ablute' (my supposed verb for the noun 'ablution'😭)
10. The proverbial black hijab for me isn't black but navy blue with letters of the alphabet all over it.
11. When I become president, the first thing I'll do after dismantling systemic injustice is to criminalize the consumption of a particular Nigerian delicacy known as peppersoup.
12. I once burnt a finger in the course of science (minor lab accident)
13. Sometimes I think in capital letters.
14. Pain demands to be felt.
15. I don't have a favourite colour.
16. I'll always take convenience over aesthetics.
17. This is the 17th fact about me.
18. I don't like high heels.
19. Bring back pocket watches.
20. I'm obsessed with round figures.... Now I don't want to do a 21😭
21. I hate learning physics but I love teaching it. Idk how that sounds 😭😅
22. I believe in Garamond supremacy
23. My favourite part of physics (I'm a microbiologist btw) is radioactivity. "In 1896, Professor Henri Becquerel..." gimme that. "Uranium, Thorium, half life, gamma rays..." GIVE IT ALL TO ME!!!
24. I don't understand why but I'm more fluent writing Arabic than speaking it😭
25. I have been told I eat like an ant (totally not true but how do people eat three FULL MEALS A DAY😭)
26. My profile picture is a decent representation of what I look like.
27. Reverse psychology doesn't work on me. Y'all be safe tho
28. Sometimes I toast my bread with a pressing iron. 10/10
29. Are you, are you, coming to the tree?
30. My writing brand is strong food opinions and at least one character death™
31. Whoops that's enough likes for now
32. I believe in pineapple pizza supremacy ✨
33. John Green.
34. I have the Rumi quotes they don't tell you about
35. The books are always better than the movies.
36. I love everything about Surah Abasa. It is (literally and figuratively) Divine.
37. Our organic chemistry in secondary school started by dishing out nicknames to everyone. Mine was 'ester' 👁️👄👁️.

It could have been worse though. It could have been formic acid or nonanol.
38. I'm going to miss Ramadan 🥺
39. Because I am studying food microbiology now, I'll add a food microbiology fact: The gram-positive probiotic Lactobacillus bulgaricus was first isolated in Bulgaria and has been associated with the longevity of Bulgarians and their consumption of yoghurt.

Makes sense?👁️👄👁️
40. I'm very happy that GOT is far different from ASOIAF because whoops, like I said, the books are always better than the movies. Still hate what they made Ellaria Sand become. Waiting for the Winds of Winter✨
41. Idk how I feel about dark chocolate 😤
42. This is the 42nd fact about me. I was just about to put down my phone when the 42nd second like came in. I'm calling it quits at 50. Maybe publish a book about it one day.
43. I denounce cats. All of them. Adiós, Cheshire cat, I still preferred the Mad Hatter.
44. Bajre Da Sittaaaaaaaaaa
45. Black lives have weight and occupy space. ALWAYS.
46. In the absence of the 46th like, I hereby declare this thread closed. Stay safe, wear masks, be responsible, hold hands and remember the Alamo.
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