The Data

We tested Playlists last Summer prior to Dynamite. The results are below.

In summary, playlists with no or low engagement lost approx 50% of views.

Views froze almost immediately and about 24 hrs later approx 50% were deleted.

See the thread to explain this chart.+
CV means channel views that can be publicly seen on the video.

AV means admin views that are ONLY seen in the YT back end.

Basically what you see happening here is EXACTLY what YT described in that ss reply. +

Some views added, the rest were frozen for review.+
Very soon after the playlists ran, views stopped being added, in the system and on the video counter.

That's why within 12 hrs there is a mismatch between channel views and admin views. (Views are frozen and being held...that's what that looks like on the back end.) +
Over the next 2 days, YT continued their quality review process and added AND deleted views from the playlist test.

When that process wqs complete, they updated the final view count, which is why you seethe AV and CV views are now the same after 48 hrs.

They deleted approx 50%+
As a note, we expected to lose this many views because this was a low to no engagement playlist test to mimic how people typically use playlists.

Just start them and let them play.

Our playlists with normal engagement lost views but not as many (between 15 and 20%). +
The takeaways here are...

If you read the entirety if YTs response and not just spread one portion of it,

You will clearly see they are saying that playlist views are given minimal "live" views and the rest are held for a quality review and your views will balance out later.+
That is EXACTLY what this fandom had observed for YEARS before we even did this testing.

The testing just confirmed that issue.

Which is why we suggest not to use playlist for the first 24 hrs unless you have to for your personal schedule.

Some views are better than none.
Also, I usually don't share the raw data like this, but I didn't expect to have to share ANY data about a strategy that has been proven and tested over time with short notice.
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