🦔 #Hedgehogs fact #1

A group of hedgehogs is called an 'array'. But it doesn't come up much, since hedgehogs are solitary creatures who usually come together only to mate.
🦔 #Hedgehogs fact #2

The hedgie has gained some popularity as a pet, but some places still qualify them as wild animals and they are not allowed to be kept domestically. So before getting it as a pet please do your research, it isn't a suitable pet for everybody.
🦔 #Hedgehog fact #3

A hedgehog has between 5000 and 7000 quills. Muscles along the animal's back can raise and lower the quills to respond to threatening situations.

🦔 #Hedgehog fact #4

There are 17 different species of hedgehog, non of which ar native to the Americas. Australia also has no indigenous hedgehogs; the hedgies in New Zealand were introduced by humans. #hedgehogweek
🦔 #Hedgehog fact #5

Hedgehogs rely on hearing and smell because they have very poor eyesight. And even their limited sight is best in the dark as an adaption to their nocturnal lifestyle. #hedgehogweek
🦔 #Hedgehog fact #6

Unlike porcupine quills, hedgehog spikes are not barbed, and they are not poisonous. The inside of the quills are mostly hollow, with a series of complex air chambers that make them light but strong. #hedgehogweek
#Hedgehog fact #7

Hedgehogs got their name from their preferred habitat—garden hedges—and the pig-like grunts they make. Their taste for destructive insects makes them a historically welcome presence in gardens. #hedgehogweek
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