Yesterday evening my wife and I had a wonderful early dinner (arrived 5:30) at The Hive in Bentonville. We called our oldest son, a student at UA, to come see us to walk around the square. He arrived a little after 7:00 pm.
He parked in a government owned parking lot next to 21c. There are two (2) signs in the ingress that basically says it's government parking from 7 or 8 am to 5:00 p.m.
Cara and I were at dinner with a group of friends and colleagues. She and my son left about 30 seconds or so ahead of me as I talked, etc.
I walked out and saw a very angry man with a gun on his hip and a cane berating my son and wife because my son parked in "his" parking spot. It was beyond berating, and, like any dad or husband, immediately caught my attention.
My son and wife repeatedly apologized to him and my son unsuccessfully tried to explain to him that he thought, per the signs, that after 5:00 pm anyone could park there. They were both met with rabid fury and anger.
I told him to not talk to my son that way and to not be a ____. That he would move his truck. I told the little deputy guy that this was all insane.
I'm guessing this all lasted 3 to 5 minutes. Someone videotaped the last part of it. I'll share it next to give you a feel for his insane and rabid behavior.
The best part is him throwing down his cane and bowing up.
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