The hype for Justin Bieber for Brazil never died and same will happen if he performs somewhere else like India,Korea etc.
Like him performing at a big reality show is making more noise,news,views,click,tweets than him performing in any other American show/awards.
Idk.. we as fandom are so reduced to being dependent on American beliebers when they are 10 people here from states and others are just supporting him but maintaining account as personal not joining stream party or trending hashtag until it trends(which is also good dgmw)
Most of us are like from other country than US.
Also the fact is the whole US has moved on to kpop and or some other artist, which is clearly shows why JB takes on avg 10-13 hrs to get #1 on us itunes.
Also dont hate me for saying this,US and all other country has stans who mostly in general go into how artist's look and then Judge his/her talent before they **stan** him/her.
JB has lost many stans because of his looks since 2018(he has lyme dis. ntm)...
I am not saying an artist has to look good or be groomed...some artists have made career of only talent (ed sheeran is prime example)..
But JB is face of male pop industry since 2010 & people always have a go on his looks and grooming other than the Music he creates.
From their perspective Hailey could be seen as more of a popstar cause how she dresses herself and maintain herself...all stylish and clean..(ofc until she starts singing 😂)
Like i said JB is face of male pop industry, he influences not only music but, but fashion and trends
I hate to say this but once he starts to groom himself like 2015 and cut his hair into something which is not seen before in GP, and starts being fashionable,he will win back lot of fans in no time.
In general to sum this up.. if he starts grooming like Hailey,street styling and have a sense of fashion like her but still keeps his talent..
He is going to be in trend every where and people will just crawl back to being a Belieber.
Forgot to tell.. This Thread was made to let u guys know why he is not hyped up in US and how he can bring it back(which he doesn't need to but just in case).also i have made few points about looks which i dont agree with but its facts and every pop artist now has that except JB
PS: when i say he influences looks and trend...i mean it..Like his current style isn't the greatest..he wears beanie all the time,wear loosed t-shirts and oversized puffy pants and has long hair not styled properly.But still people are copying him(boys in gnral).
This tells a lot
Once he starts being THAT type POPSTAR again,
With Good style, fashion choice,making a good hairstyle trendy for no reason then he will start gaining hype again (and maybe he will start charting more fast on itunesđŸ˜¶)
His hype will never die atleast for another 10yrs.!
I hope so
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