#MedEthics question. If this event pushes AB to the point of needing to enact triage protocols for care, how does one's attendance at this rally come into play in the decision framework?
When does one's autonomy to attend infringe on another person's right to get ICU care? https://twitter.com/CTVKathyLe/status/1388634800320360451
What will it take for people to realize that we are interconnected during this pandemic? That other people matter. That your choices may kill someone else??
My faith in humanity is broken.
To clarify: I'm posing this question only as a thought process. I'm not pushing for/against this. I just want to highlight how one's choice right now to attend a 2000 packed, unmasked event will have a potentially deadly ripple effect.
I did a Master's thesis in palliative care with bioethics & autonomy at its core of my thesis. The triage plan IS UNFATHOMABLE. Dire resource allocation was always the far, far distant option. AB is approaching this. I hold space for my AB colleagues. Pls DM if you need support.
The short answer is attendance at the rally will not affect access to ICU care if they meet medical criteria.

This means that those who have followed the rules & been careful will also not have that considered in whether they will be able to access ICU care. 💔
If this ripple effect on ALL Albertans enrages you, & you feel like pleas are falling on deaf UCP ears, now is the time to demand more of your neighbours. Yes, this is the govt's job but they're failing AB. Have those hard conversations in your sphere of influence. I'm so sorry.
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