There are certain things I spoke publicly about last year that I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t. Not because they weren’t true, or because I don’t think my pain and experiences were worth speaking up about, simply because I don’t trust the court of public opinion to have nuance.
Idk I keep going back and forth on it and at the end of the day it felt like a necessary step at the time and maybe it was but I’m like... I’m not mad anymore lol I’m fine. I’m gonna be good. I’m letting go of my resentment about what happened.
And therefore I don’t need anyone to be resentful on my behalf. What happened happened and it was fucked up but I’m literally going to be fine and I still have a lot of love for that individual and want good things for them.
I don’t know what I’m going on about and I will probably delete this thread but yeah like... I eventually got the support I needed around the situation and I would like for all involved parties to be able to just move on and put it behind us.
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