Now that someone mentioned it. My mom didnt believe in depression till 2 years ago. I always mentioned her certain things but she always thought it was laziness among other stuff. 2 years ago something happened that I never thought it could happened and I think it was the worst
Mental state I have ever been. The first time she saw me having a mental breakdown was the 31th of 2018 (midnight) and since then she started to believe in my depression. Iam always trying to educate her as much as I can and I try to be open when it comes to expressing myself
On that matter. Is not easy. But she is trying. What iam trying to say is that sometimes persistent is the key. I needed her to believe in my condition. You will always need someone and you dont need to go through this alone. Doesnt have to be family member, could be a friend.
This thread is a mess lol. But I hope you get what I mean.
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