the al2rnian economic and sociopolitical system is nominally post-feudal welfare-mercantilist corporatism. explain? no.
chiono malcos was a humanist-capitalist but no one else on the board would describe themself or any of their approach to society-economy as 'capitalist'. they're like a solid thousand years of revolution and political theorizing away from capitalism.
what if a panel of the illiterate, immortal descendants of five feudal fish-empresses made all the choices, and their voluntary self-organization was profoundly imperialist, neurotically protectionist, and otherwise social welfare oriented. what would happen then.
what if they were also cannibals.
feudal aristocracy never died, they just put on pantsuits and announced a consensus based decision making model. 'ownership' in al2rnia is an elaborate joke: even the most highly titled violet is still a vassal who serves, and owns, at the pleasure of five cannibal fishwomen.
there IS an island of autonomous autocracy within al2rnian society, a snakewoman wielding the power of Legitimate, Oft-Employed Hyperviolence and total control of the reproductive apparatus within a noxious deathpyramid. this is "the good guy".
we in the business call this a dichotomy of "green and pink morality"
what we learned from this thread is that I am constitutionally incapable of not explaining something.
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