Beginner artist mistakes (and how to fix them) a thread:
Scratchy lines
- happens when we're not confident and draw w our wrist. Very common

- takes hand eye coordination practice. Needs to be fixed if doing line work.

- once fixed, ppl think we're super skilled. Omg wow so confident *anime gasp*
Drawing with wrist
- very uncomfortable to draw with shoulder instead of wrist but it is an essential skill for making pleasant shapes that are not lumpy.

- requires using new set of muscles to draw. V difficult and sucks ass.

- use overhand grip (looks v cool)
Drawing too hard
- tough to erase all the way

- sketching with pens instead of pencils is like "hardcore mode" for video games. Forces us to think about each line which will build helpful connections in our brain while drawing

- use overhand grip for initial construction
Light pillow shading
-stems from lack of confidence/knowledge

- can't see where shadows and highlights are supposed to be

- establish light source first (keep it simple)

- put shadows on more boldly, no blending

- having trouble? Practice on simple 3d shapes cube, sphere etc
Not enough contrast
- even dark graphite pencils are not dark enough

- add black colored pencil to darkest parts of pencil drawings. Crayola works as good as prismacolor here (shoutout to @markcrilley)

- use level adjustments in drawing programs after its finished
Too many effects/filters
- decreases quality of photo

- good lighting is number one

- take pic by window or outside for strong even-toned light
If anyone bullies you for your skill level, that's so gross to me. To belittle someone in the learning process is so weak I can't stand it.

Besides the fundamentals that have been regurgitated for centuries, everything else is style and aesthetic choice.
this thread came from a video i uploaded to YouTube (dot com) it is very cool and features a handsome pickle with happy shoes
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