it bothers me when destigmatizing hush-hush disorders there’s kind of a goal of them being treated more like depression. but ppl forget depression has been glorified to shit. (ex: it’s actively happening to BPD and ADHD) we rllllyyy gotta revaluate how we raise awareness
presenting the symptoms as something everyone can relate to combined with the way people view mental disorders as an accessory they can use to fit in is alarmingly not considered when all these threads come out about mental health. the surge of cases from awareness has 2 parts +
1 being tons of people who genuinely relate and figured out a part of themself, and the other being impressionable kids who have good intentions but say they have it w/out doing research. like idk who would expect Twitter to respond with a level head to New Cool Disorders
treating dissociative/psychotic/personality disorders etc like depression and anxiety would be absolutely fucking detrimental. yea depression and anxiety are raindrops compared to the sea of stigma around the others but the trade out is romanticism and not being taken seriously
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