Attended a funeral today for a sweet woman who spent decades serving the Lord as a preacher's wife. Hearing the pastor officiating the service speak about her life&testimony spoke volumes about the impact a woman's life can have in her God ordained role.

As the pastor said, while she never stood in the pulpit & preached a sermon, she poured into the lives of everyone in the building & countless others. She served the Lord quietly & behind the scenes never seeking attention for herself but always pointing to Christ. 2/
She graciously served all who God placed in her path, whether it be one of her children, grandchildren, friend, church member or stranger. To know this special lady was to love her. There was not a dry eye in the room today as she held a special place in the lives of so many. 3/
But one of the things the pastor said today stood out to me more than the rest. It was when he spoke of the encouragement&support she gave to her husband as he preached & led a church for many, many years. 4/
This precious woman loved her husband dearly. She wasn't jealous of his years in the "spotlight", as some would say. The delight of her life was found in obedience to God in the role He gave her in the Bible. She never fought for more. She was happy to submit. 5/
Much of what women are called, by God, to do is done in quiet. Many times the service of a woman is done with no other eyes around. It seems, because of this, many women think their calling isn't useful... But that's a lie from Satan himself. 6/
Satan knows that when men & women obey God & His roles that God is glorified. Satan tricks women into thinking they only "matter" if they have a platform & following. Or they are only being used by God if they are out front & preaching. 7/
That's simply just not true. God uses the small, quiet acts. God uses the things that are often overlooked. God uses the humble. This funeral was evidence to that. Women, God has given us a sweet, sweet role in our familes & in the church. 8/
Be encouraged in your submission & obedience. Remain faithful to your role. God holds the master plan. He is sovereign over all. His ways are perfect. He has given you a role that brings Him glory. Your joy will be made full in your obedience to God. 9/
Love your husband. Love your children. Serve God. Point all to Christ. You will be a blessing to many in the simple day to day.đź’—

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